Dr. Kari Morfeld
Dr. Morfeld (from Creston, Nebraska) has been conducting elephant research in Africa since 2000 and leading groups to South Africa since 2010. She received her Ph.D. from George Mason University in collaboration with the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, studying elephant reproduction, welfare, health, and conservation specializing in Wildlife Endocrinology. She also has a degree in Biostatistics.
Dr. Morfeld’s research emphasizes developing and implementing practical methods to promote reproduction, health, and welfare of elephants in zoos and in the wild. The For Elephants, Inc. research laboratory in South Africa is a collaboration with Elephants Alive, who has been a foundation partner for over 10 years. The For Elephants, Inc. goal is to produce scientific data that will inform management decisions in South Africa. In US Zoos, Dr. Morfeld uses her expertise in endocrine (hormones) research to study reproduction, health, and welfare to increase elephant reproductive rates and improve welfare for elephants in zoos.