How to Write a Podcast Script

by Haley Elder | Mar 28, 2023 | Podcasting

Read Time: 5 min read

Summary: TL;DR: Writing a podcast script can enhance your listeners' experience by providing structure and clarity. Tips include keeping it simple, dictating notes, using annotations, and describing scenes. Podcast segments like intros, guest intros, sponsor messages, segues, outros, and CTAs are essential for engagement. Templates like freestyle, solo show, conversation, interview, and roundtable offer varied formats to suit different podcast styles. Structuring your script with key elements ensures a cohesive and engaging podcast episode. Visit the blog for free script templates and tips on improving your podcasting skills. Start creating impactful podcasts today with a well-crafted script!

Recording a podcast? Writing a podcast script can improve your listeners’ experience by giving structure, direction, and conciseness to each of your podcast episodes. Learn how to write a podcast script and view our free script templates below!

Tips for Writing a Podcast Script

If you’re new to podcasting or just want to become a better podcast host, consider these tips for creating a podcast script.

Keep It Simple

Ensuring your podcast script format is simple and to the point helps you follow along while recording. You don’t need to write what you’ll say word-for-word. Consider using bulletpoints to list ideas you want to hit or anything you don’t want to forget.

Dictate Your Notes

When first learning how to write a podcast script, focus on writing the way you speak. If you get stuck while writing, try talking instead! Dictation software like Microsoft Dictate,, or Google Docs Voice Typing Tool can help you brainstorm ideas and get words on the page, which you can fine-tune before recording your podcast.

Use Annotations

Once your podcast script is written, mark it up with delivery notes. These can be used to convey tone, emotions, and emphasis while recording a podcast and help the show sound more natural to listeners. Some examples of delivery notes include:

  • Underlining separate ideas to help you slow down or show emphasis as you read
  • Using marks like “/” to indicate when to pause
  • Writing out tricky words phonetically

Describe the Scene

If you’re writing a podcast script and need to reference an image or scene, it’s important to use descriptive language—especially since audio-only podcasts lack a visual element. Focus on describing the most important parts instead of overwhelming the listener with details, and try to incorporate multiple senses to add dimension and interest.

Podcast Segments to Include in Your Script

While every show is unique, there are common elements you’ll find in almost every podcast script. Familiarize yourself with these podcast segments to make structuring and writing scripts easier.


Virtually all the top podcasts have an introduction to their show. A podcast intro should be short, welcoming, and pitch your podcast episode to listeners. You’ll want to include the name of your podcast, the episode number or title, your name, and the episode’s topic. Hook your audience, giving them a reason to stay tuned until the end of the show.

Guest Intros

If your podcast features a guest, you’ll want to be prepared with a guest introduction so you don’t fumble their name or credentials. After the podcast intro, let the listeners know a bit about your guest. Preparing a guest intro ahead of time allows you to show your guests respect and establish a rapport with them. Once you introduce them, give them some time to talk about themselves.

If your podcast is sponsored, take some time to script your ad reads. Depending on the sponsor, they may send a word-for-word script or just a few talking points. You can also ask permission from your sponsor to tailor the script to your audience. Scripting sponsored messages in your own voice will help them come across more naturally while reflecting positively on the brand you’re partnering with.


Make space for a segue while writing a podcast script to avoid forced or awkward transitions between different topics or segments of your show. This helps your listeners follow along by providing structure and breaks within your content. A segue can be a jingle, sound effect, or even a catchphrase.


Toward the end of the podcast script, you’ll want to recap your main points to highlight the value of your show for your listeners. Your podcast outro is your chance to thank your audience and guests. It’s also a way to tell your audience what they can look forward to from your show. You can include a teaser for your next episode, any announcements from your show, or share additional resources for listeners.

Call to Action

A call to action at the end of your podcast script is a way to get more engagement from your listeners. Ask your listeners for more support by following you on social media, leaving reviews, or liking the episode. Keep in mind that your podcast’s CTA can change over time as your show grows and evolves.

Podcast Script Templates

There are a handful of podcast formats your show can follow. Below, we’ve outlined some of the most common podcast script templates you can follow.


If you’re good at ad-libbing or have been doing your podcast for a while, a freestyle podcast template may be all you need. A freestyle script doesn’t take much time to write, but still provides enough structure to keep the podcast on intent.

[Music Intro]

Intro: ____ (Duration: ____)

Sponsor Message: ____ (Duration: ____)

Topic 1: ____ (Duration: ____)

Segue:____ (Duration: ____)

Topic 2: ____ (Duration: ____)

Segue:____ (Duration: ____)

Topic 3: ____ (Duration: ____)

Outro:____ (Duration: ____)

CTA: ____ (Duration: ____)

Solo Show

While hosting a solo show, you can really connect with your audience, as it will seem like you’re talking directly to them. While writing a solo podcast script, you’ll want to focus on providing a personal angle on a topic you’re passionate about.

[Music Intro]

Intro: ____ (Duration: ____)

Sponsor Message: ____ (Duration: ____)

Topic 1: ___ (Duration: ____)
Main point
-Supporting points, data, quote, etc.

Segue:____ (Duration: ____)

Topic 2: ___ (Duration: ____)
Main point
-Supporting points, data, quote, etc.

Sponsor Message: ____ (Duration: ____)

Topic 3: ___ (Duration: ____)
Main point
-Supporting points, data, quote, etc.

Outro:____ (Duration: ____)

CTA: ____ (Duration: ____)

[Closing music jingle or sound effect]


If you want your show to feel like a chat among friends, the conversational podcast outline might be for you. These podcast outlines are typically less effort for you and your co-hosts, as your chemistry and banter become the focus of the show. Episodes are mainly focused on entertaining your audience rather than educating them, so the script should be personality-driven.

[Music Intro]

Intro: ____ (Duration: ____)

Sponsor Message: ____ (Duration: ____)

Topic 1: ____ (Duration: ____)

Segue:____ (Duration: ____)

Topic 2: ____ (Duration: ____)

Segue:____ (Duration: ____)

Topic 3: ____ (Duration: ____)

Outro:____ (Duration: ____)

CTA: ____ (Duration: ____)


A common podcast format is an interview podcast, where one or two hosts interview a new guest during each episode. While this format keeps your episodes fresh, a consistent script format can ensure cohesion throughout your shows. This added level of structure can also help the interviewee feel more comfortable while recording, as they’ll have an idea of what to expect and come prepared.

[Music Intro]

Intro: ____ (Duration: ____)

Guest Intro: ____ (Duration: ____)

Sponsor Message: ____ (Duration: ____)

Question 1: ____ (Duration:____)

Question 2: ____ (Duration:____)

Question 3: ____ (Duration:____)

Outro:____ (Duration: ____)

CTA:____ (Duration:____)


Similar to an interview podcast, a roundtable podcast focuses on providing listeners with multiple viewpoints, but from an informed panel of guests. Often, this podcast format has a consistent host that invites guests to explain, debate, or discuss a certain topic. With this format, you can outline your main points and come prepared with supporting data.

[Music intro]

[Sponsor message]

Intro:____ (Duration:____)

Topic 1: ____ (Duration:____)
-Main point
-Supporting point
-Supporting data

Topic 2: ____ (Duration:____)
-Main point
-Supporting point
-Supporting data

Topic 3: ____ (Duration:____)
-Main point
-Supporting point
-Supporting data

Audience Q&A: Prepare questions from your audience ahead of time. (Duration:____)

Outro:____ (Duration: ____)

CTA: ____ (Duration: ____)

Interested in starting a podcast? Hurrdat Media can help you bring your podcast to life. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about our media network and podcast production services!