
How to Improve Podcast Listening Experience

How to Improve Podcast Listening Experience

Considering and accommodating for the listening experience is an easy way to make your podcast sound more professional. With over 80 million Americans listening to weekly podcasts, it's important to create a seamless podcast listening experience that both attracts new...

Top Podcasts of 2023

Top Podcasts of 2023

Looking for the best podcasts of the year? Whether you’re on the hunt for a daily news podcast for your commute or true crime podcast to binge while working out, we’ve got you covered. Here are the top podcasts of 2023! All The Smoke Episode Frequency: Thursdays...

9 Tips for Writing Great Podcast Descriptions

9 Tips for Writing Great Podcast Descriptions

Writing great descriptions is an essential step in promoting your podcast. Good podcast descriptions let listeners know what to expect from your show and can even entice them into pressing Play on your episodes. Check out these helpful copywriting tips to learn how to...

15 Ways to Prepare for Podcast Interviews

15 Ways to Prepare for Podcast Interviews

Interviews are so much more than just inviting a guest onto your podcast and having a conversation. They're an opportunity for you and your guest to go deep with topics your listeners love! But before you nail the interview, you need to make sure you're properly...

How Email Marketing Can Expand Your Podcast

How Email Marketing Can Expand Your Podcast

At a time when there are 3 to 4 million podcasts and more than 70 million podcast episodes, it's easy to think "How can I compete?" when trying to get your podcast off the ground. Well...have you considered email marketing? Not only can email marketing help you keep...

What’s the Best Podcast Length?

What’s the Best Podcast Length?

With over 104 million Americans listening to podcasts every month, it's important that you create podcast content that both attracts new listeners and keeps current listeners hooked. The duration of your podcast's episodes plays a key role in how well your content...

Tips for Booking Podcast Guests for Your Show

Tips for Booking Podcast Guests for Your Show

Finding and booking the right podcast guests is one of the best ways to keep your show fresh and your listeners engaged, but what steps do podcasters need to take to make this happen? Having good brand awareness and a strong social media presence is a great place to...

What Are Podcast Transcripts & Why Should You Use Them?

What Are Podcast Transcripts & Why Should You Use Them?

Podcast transcripts are a great way to help search engines and new listeners discover your podcast online. Learn more about the benefits of transcribing your podcast episodes and how to create transcripts! What Is a Podcast Transcript? Benefits of Podcast Transcripts...

Why Your Podcast Needs Reviews & Ratings

Why Your Podcast Needs Reviews & Ratings

Anyone who's listened to a podcast has heard the spiel, usually uttered by the podcast's host in the closing moments of the show: "If you could rate and review the podcast, it would really help us out..." While there's no evidence that podcast reviews directly factor...